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Product Management free videos

The following vieos will help you gain better understanding of product management. Most of the videos are Youtube videos and hence are free. The links here give you better understanding of product management without worrying about wrong information. These videos are what describes product management better. 

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  1. Product Management with Diego: This provides good overview of what a product manager is and does. 
  2. Product management from Standford: Straight from Stanford to give you those product management insights.
  3. A day in life of Product Manager with Diego: Once again Diego brings in what does a product manager do in their daily life.
  4. Product management from ProductPlan: This is another full product course for beginners.
  5. Product management with Harvard: beautiful class from Harvard professors for product management.
  6. Product Management for Dummies: Good explanation of basics.
  7. Agile Coach Product management: From Atlassian agile coach.

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